I made it through my first full week! I realized that there's no way I'm going to be able to get my camera out every day and take photos, so a few of these were taken on my phone (I just got a new Samsung Fascinate, though, and it has a really good camera on it!).
It's been fun finding different things about my day to capture- I know I'll look back on this in the future and will be glad I'm doing this project. I'm creating a snapshot of my life as it is now and without these little glimpses, I'm sure many of these moments would have been easily forgotten.
I've created some templates that I'll be posting here on my blog to condense the photos from the week, but I'm also uploading the full images (some of them get cropped in the templates) on my Flickr page. (a link is posted on the right of this page) I also added descriptions of each photo on Flickr to help explain the context behind them.

When I first decided I was interested in learning photography (middle school, I think?), my mom (bless her foresight!) bought me this book ---> (click
here to see it on Amazon)
It's a beautiful book with amazing images and the photography tips can't be beat - every time I pick it up off the shelf, I learn something new. A lot of it is still film-based, but all the photography specifics (that I always tend to forget) still apply. The 365 project has gotten me to pick it up yet again and help me remember the difference between an F-stop and an ISO.
My goal is to take many different photos using many different settings with my camera and become more efficient with it. I hope to also find my 'photography voice' by evolving my own style. Stay tuned to watch the process unfold!