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The days of 'lay-baby-on-the-blanket-and-he-will-stay-there' are long gone... Most of the shots I take end up something like this :) |
Wow, what a month!
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His Pooh table is one of his favorites right now, and the first thing he pulled himself up on. |
He is now:
20 lbs, 9 oz.
(down to the 64th percentile)
29.8 in. long
(still in the 94th percentile)
I've definitely noticed him changing physically in the last month. He's becoming less 'chubby baby' and more 'slim toddler' (cue the mama tears...)
On February 11th, Avery took off crawling and hasn't stopped since :) He's loving his new-found freedom and is keeping his mama on her toes.
2 days after he started crawling, he pulled himself up to standing and crawling quickly lost it's appeal :) All the boy wants to do is stand and walk behind his walker... by himself. (How did this happen?!?)
This month, Avery
...Is currently battling a really nasty cold. We have been very fortunate, this is only the second sickness of his young life. Regardless, he is a cranky, snotty, cuddly little mess of a boy. All he wants to do is be held and cuddle (which this mama doesn't mind at all, he IS a world-class cuddler after all) but it's heartbreaking to see him so miserable.
...Watched Sesame Street for the first time. (it's helped get us through these last few days when all Avery wants to do is sit in my lap and rock)

...Had lots of visitors from Wisconsin!! My aunt & uncle stopped in on their way to Alabama and on their way home, our friends from Rhinelander spent a night while they were in the area, and Grandma & Grandpa Stewart spent a weekend and gave us a much-needed date night out without Avery! (He had a blast with them of course, maybe it was their matching red hoodies? :) It's always so nice to have visitors, it gives us something to look forward to.
...Went swimming! It wasn't his first time in a pool, but this time he was so brave he hung onto the side of the pool by himself and crawled right in the zero-depth entry until he was up to his eyes! I think he probably would've kept going had I not made him stop. Such a little swimmer already, it makes this former swim-instructor mama so very proud :)
...LOVES when we read books to him and has mastered turning the pages by himself. Grandma and Grandpa even brought him a few new Sesame Street books that have been added to his growing list of favorites.
...Eats finger food! Avacado and Banana, to be exact. He gobbled both of them down with no gagging and very minimal mess! He definitely looks way too big eating 'big boy food'. He also added blueberries, mango and eggplant to his growing list of foods tried.
...Had his first taste of a Shamrock Shake which he loved, probably because it reminds him of his days in the womb when his mama enjoyed WAY too many of them ;)

...Had a spaghetti party with Max!!
Although both of these boys were a little unsure of the slimy spaghetti at first, they were both good sports and gave it a shot. I think they both came around and got some enjoyment out of it, Avery loved eating the spaghetti most of all... go figure :)

...Smiles a scrunched-up-face smile that perfectly shows off his 2 lone teeth and makes me giggle every time.
...Prefers to stand in the bath. All the time. Bath time is a much shorter ordeal these days.
...Is developing quite the attitude. He will certainly let you know (often at a high volume) when he feels he has been served an injustice. Like when I take something away that he feels he should be allowed to keep. Like a bowl of dog food or a plastic garbage bag.
And just in case you don't believe me that this baby is getting too big too fast, here are a few videos to prove it...
Avery showing off his cute wave and telling a very involved bathtime story...
Taking a walk behind his little 'mail truck'...
and testing out his new balance skills!..
We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of spring around here... we are all in desperate need of some sun and fresh air. The forecast for this weekend calls for highs in the 50s, let's hope this is a sign of what's soon to come!
Oh goodness his waving in the bathtub is too cute :) And he's gonna be walking before you know it Amanda!