25/52 Buried |
"A portrait of my Avery, once a week, every week, in 2014"
This last week Avery, Cullen and I tagged along with Justin on a 3-day work trip to Cadillac, Michigan. It ended up being sort of a bust because the weather forced us to spend most of our time in the car or in the hotel room (not so fun with an active toddler and an infant that isn't so fond of his car seat).
The day we drove there was beautiful and thankfully we stopped at Warren Dunes State Park on the way for some fun in the sun. It was our first trip of the summer to Lake Michigan and Cullen's first trip ever! Avery loves the beach and by the time we left he had sand in every crevice, was soaked in lake water and worn out. It was a beautiful day.
There's something about the sounds, sights, and smells of a big body of water that just soothes the soul (wading in the waves with a beautiful sleeping baby on your chest doesn't hurt either :)
Avery dug a really big hole with dad, buried himself in it, then walked fully clothed into the lake for a swim! |
spent his first trip to the beach riding around in the sling with mom, taking in this new place until the sound of the waves lulled him to
sleep. I could've walked that shoreline all day. |
Linking up here
Yay for the beach!!!! I have a feeling you have many fun beach trips in your future with those boys!!