27/52 Blackberry Boy |
"A portrait of my Avery, once a week, every week, in 2014"
This week, the weather was absolutely perfect in Indiana: mid-seventies, sunny and no humidity. We spent most of the week doing nothing but playing in the backyard and eating our meals on the porch. My favorite. Last Sunday, we went on a little family adventure to the blackberry patch and picked a bucketful (and ate twice as many). Avery ran quality control and ended up with the cutest little berry face and hands (and t-shirt, who puts their child in a white tee to go berry picking?!)
We spent our 4th of July down the street with friends. Avery was sort of out of it all evening, but he and his buddy Max tried out some sparklers and watched Justin shoot off some small fireworks. It was a beautiful day spent with friends, and Avery's first real experience with fireworks, which seemed to be a hit! :)
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I love berry stains... on little boy faces, not on their clothes! LOL