Sunday, March 27, 2011

365 Project: Week 11 - Back to Reality!

I 'journal' about all of these photos on my Flickr page.
If you'd like to read about each one, please click HERE or click on my Flickr photos on the right side of the page
The best part of our whole vacation and the weekend afterwards was being able to just 'be' with my husband pretty much 24-7. It's a difficult process being away from each other for so long, so it was so great to be able to wake up to him every morning and fall asleep together with him every night (plus spend the entire day with him in paradise didn't hurt!)

Over the next few months, my goal is to build up an 'inventory' of crafts to sell at local fairs and craft shows this summer in Indiana - I think it will be a good way for me to meet new people and have something to do this summer! (I haven't had a summer 'off' in 9 years!) It will also keep me busy in this lonely house when Bella is snoring away on the couch in the evenings :) If you have any super awesome craft ideas to share, I'd love to hear them!!

365 Project: Week 10 - Adventure in Paradise!

I 'journal' about all of these photos on my Flickr page.
If you'd like to read about each one, please click HERE or click on my Flickr photos on the right side of the page
We made it back from Mexico Thursday night and Justin left this morning for Indiana (boo...) so I finally had some time today to organize my photos from the last 2 weeks!
We had an AMAZING time in the Rivera Maya exploring, eating, diving and relaxing - it's going to be hard getting back into a routine that doesn't include an afternoon nap! 

I think I took more photos throughout the last 2 weeks than I have all year up to this point! After I get all my 365 photos posted, I'll put up some Mexico shots - the unbelievable natural beauty of the Carribean really just does all the work for me. Needless to say, my 'creative slump' was erased altogether the entire time I was away, now the trick is going to be to keep the inspiration alive in these last few weeks of winter! (ugh... where is the GRASS already?!)

Friday, March 18, 2011

Words to Live By

As we embark on our journey to Mexico, I leave you with this manifesto written by Holstee- very wise wisdom that I think everyone should strive to live by. It's a great declaration of living a full life and making the best out of what you have - the perfect find for this day of adventure!  Happy Spring!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Art Show!!

My students were asked to create a project that would be featured as part of the Chippewa Valley Symphony Orchestra's spring concert: "Made in America". In class, they listened to Charles Ives' Symphony No. 2 and we discussed what different sounds would LOOK like. (shapes, colors, etc.) Each design was based on the student's individual interpretation of the music. 

They then took the designs, made them into relief print blocks and created different tessellations. They turned out so beautiful - I was a very proud teacher hanging them up in the beautiful Janet Carson gallery (part of the Eau Claire Regional Arts Center/State Theater in downtown Eau Claire) We held the reception for the artists on Saturday night and then the kids got to go to the orchestra and their art pieces were displayed on a large screen during the performance of Charles' Ives' Symphony No. 2. It was a very fun night - moments like this remind me how much I love my job!
   Happy Youth Art Month!

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Sunday, March 13, 2011

Project 365: Week 10

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I was pretty frustrated with Project 365 this week. I had a lot on my mind regarding many different things and I had no creative drive whatsoever when it came to taking photos. Due to this creative drought, I devoted much of my time this weekend desperately searching for inspiration... 

Most of my free time was spent ogling over the AMAZING Trey Ratcliff and his breathtaking HDR photos (a whole new photo technique I am determined to figure out...) He has had the opportunity to travel the world and get some phenomenal and totally unique shots of some of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. Check out his website "Stuck in Customs" to see his work and get some amazing photography tips (He even has a full tutorial on HOW he creates his HDR photos ... I've been pouring over it for days in amazement!) Also check out his Flickr page - Although he may not actually take a photo every day, he does still post one daily. I highly recommend you get to know him and his work - it will change your life. Here's a little preview:
Trey Ratcliff -

Coming up...
In 5 days, Justin and I will be relaxing in Riviera Maya, Mexico soaking up the sun, exploring some ancient Mayan ruins and diving the Mesoamerican reef (the 2nd largest in the WORLD behind the Great Barrier Reef) I couldn't be more excited to go diving again in such an amazing place! I hope to take what I'm learning from Trey Ratcliff and get some great photos that don't involve snow OR leafless trees! Stay tuned!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

365 Project: Week 9

Click on images to view larger

This week, I was busy in almost every aspect of my life.
First of all - BREAKING NEWS in the Olive family... Justin moved to Indiana on Thursday to start his new job as a district manager for Pizza Hut, beginning our 4 month 'separation'.  I'll be staying in Wisconsin to finish out the rest of the school year and will join him in Indiana in June. Although I'm hesitant to leave my amazing job and so many of our friends and family, I know that this is a huge opportunity for Justin and us as a couple to get out and start fresh at this time in our lives before we have children and get even more invested in our life here. There will be many more posts to come about our moving process - what an eventful year for me to be doing Project 365!

I barely squeaked out the glaze firing of the bowls I made for the 'Empty Bowls' event that was held yesterday here in Menomonie. When I delivered the bowls, they were still pretty toasty from the kiln!  The bowls turned out great - sadly, I didn't even have enough time to take a photo of them, so you'll have to use your imagination :) Although I'm proud of myself for setting this goal and following through, I'm glad to have it done and off my mind!

Also this week - I hung up TWO art shows that are happening this month (in celebration of YOUTH ART MONTH!) One show will be up at the ECASD Board of Education office all month, and the other show displays about 50 pieces of my student's work in conjunction with the Chippewa Valley Symphony's March concert series - "Made in America" at the Eau Claire Regional Arts Center (the State theater in downtown EC). Very exciting things happening for art in Eau Claire!

And on top of all the madness, I tried to squeeze in every second I could with my husband before he traveled 8 hours away.  Spring break can't come soon enough!
Sadly, it seems more snow is on it's way... I've had about enough for this year, thanks.