A week ago today, Justin, Avery and I set off for Indianapolis for a day full of baseball. Justin was going to play, Avery and I were going to watch. Justin plays on a 'Vintage Baseball' team -

They were such troopers! |
Putting lots of trust in Amy,
who took my stitches out -at home! |
Although I would've rather this just not happened at all, I am so incredibly lucky because it could've turned out so much worse than it was.
I'm so thankful that I was wearing my big sunglasses, as they took the blow of the ball and miraculously saved any of the bones in my face from being broken.
I'm so thankful I happened to hand Avery over to Justin less than a minute before the ball came our way. It hurts me to think of what that ball could've done to his little body.
I'm so thankful for the kindness and prayers from friends and family.
I'm so thankful that our insurance deductible was already met for the year after having Avery. :)
I've been thinking so much about fate and God, how precious life really is and how things can change so drastically in an instant. So hug a little tighter, don't hesitate to say 'I love you', and for heaven's sake, don't attend a baseball game without wearing protective gear - including a helmet.