Sunday, September 21, 2014


Autumn in the land of corn

 A portrait of my Avery, once a week, every week, in 2014
The last couple of weeks have sort of flown by and not because we've been super busy, maybe just the opposite. We've been hanging around home and spending lots of time out-and-about in the neighborhood enjoying the fall temperatures. 
I've been a little overwhelmed by the amount of photos I've taken the last couple of months and I really need to do some organizing. It's one of those daunting tasks that is just easier to put off... but the longer i put it off, the more daunting it becomes. Anyway, I dumped enough photos on my computer to find one from last week and this one :)
World's Best.
Seriously, these two. Avery is just the epitome of an awesome big brother. He gives so many hugs and smooches, and makes Cullen laugh like no other. I took quite a few photos this weekend, but for some reason the look on Avery's face in this one and the way he is so proud to have his little bro giggling on his shoulder spoke to my mama-heart :)

The boys and I are preparing for a pretty big adventure this week... I'll be back with an update!

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