Avery has grown considerably (probably due to all the quality feeding time he and I share... for most of the day!) It's so fun to see him becoming more and more aware of the world around him. His big eyes take in so much!
We started using cloth diapers during the day, and we've been loving them so far! (at least I have... daddy hasn't quite come around to the cloth diapering way of life yet) Avery has had a diaper rash that we've been battling for quite a while, so we've switched to cloth diapers and cloth wipes (along with plenty of diaper cream) and the changes seem to be helping!
We've had lots of visitors that have come to see Avery. We're so lucky to have such amazing family and friends that spoil Avery like crazy already!
Avery started smiling... on purpose! He especially loves his tummy time/play mat and playing on it in the mornings is his happiest time!
On the flip-side, Avery has gotten much LOUDER in the last couple of weeks - he's got a good set of lungs, that one! :)
We got in a little photo shoot at my office when Janessa and Jenna came to visit - I'll be sharing them soon! (Thanks for all the help aunties!)
Since his umbilical cord fell off, Avery's been able to have tub baths in his infant tub with a hammock. He loves bath time!!
It's such a welcome change from the screaming days of sponge baths! (Please excuse the baby nudity... I couldn't resist!)
Here's a video of Avery enjoying his first 'Jungle Safari' - he loves his play mat!! (and any type of music- He likes to 'dance' with his arms and legs!)
**FYI, the laughing child sound is NOT Avery, but his 'super-happy invisible friend' in the music box :)
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