Sunday, February 27, 2011

365 Project: Week 8

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Check them out on my Flickr page to read individual descriptions

I've been experiencing quite a bit of creative block lately ... spring is so close I can smell it, yet we seem to keep getting snow, snow and more snow. Even through this slump, I'm pretty happy with the photos that I got for this week. I've been wanting to get a picture of the green barn in the snow for months now so the day I took it, it was like winning a prize :)

I had a couple of snow days at home this week, which was a blessing in disguise because I was able to use that time to create some ceramic bowls as fast as my hands could throw them for the 'Empty Bowls' event that's being hosted in Menomonie next weekend. I got them all thrown and trimmed and am bisque firing them as I type this. As soon as they come out tomorrow, I'm going to have to feverishly glaze them and get them back into the kiln so they are ready to drop off next Friday afternoon. I'll keep you updated on the progress - wish me luck!! 

Also - while we were out and about today, this first sighting of green was a sight for sore eyes indeed! 

Sunday, February 20, 2011

365 Project: Week 7

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This week, Wisconsin has been in the spotlight as many public servants have been protesting the budget repair bill that Governor Walker has proposed. I didn't make the trip to Madison (although sometimes wish I had - can you imagine the GREAT photos that experience would produce?!) but held down the fort at school, teaching swimming lessons and meeting with parents at conferences. I also made some great chocolate peanut butter cups for Justin - you can find the recipe here. Mmmmm ... a perfect weekend treat!

As I type this, we are getting nothing less than a blizzard outside... filling in any holes in the snow banks that last week's meltdown created. I'm ready to welcome spring with open arms! Enough snow, already!

I caught a sweet moment between Justin & Bella today, which reminded me of a photo I took of the two just a short year ago ... my, how Bella has grown! It's hard for me to remember her being so tiny!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

I hope your day has been filled with love and hugs.  In all the Heart-mania that was going on last week, it seems I took WAY more photos than my allotted one-per-day!!  Here are a few fun extras to add to the warm & fuzzy spirit of the day!!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

365 Project: Week 6

 Hearts Galore!
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With Valentine's Day upon us, I've been very inspired by all things HEART this week. I've been busy crafting things all week and finding ways to photograph these tokens.  (With the exception of the weekend, which was spent celebrating Grandpa Stub's 85th birthday with family on Saturday and enjoying the beautifully warm weather on Sunday) My cup runneth over for the many blessings and sources of love in my life! Happy Valentine's Day!! 

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Handmade Valentine's Day

Since devoting my 365 Project this week to photographing all things heart, I've gone a little crazy creating many varieties of handmade valentines. A few of the projects were too fun not to share:

The first project I fell in love with was this Heart Garland. My friend (and creative muse), Sally, found this great project online and I tweaked it a bit using this pattern instead to make the tiny hearts. I have a feeling I won't be ready to give up creating these bite-size beauties after Valentine's Day is over!

Another project that I've become addicted to making are these delightful Valentine's Day Lollies that I found on this tutorial by Rhonna Farrer (Oh, how I love a good tutorial...) Instead of making them into traditional lollies, I hung them from my cabinet doors in my classroom to add some color. This idea paired with an old music book and some metallic paper was a match made in creative heaven.

Happy Valentine's Day!! Spread the Love!

Monday, February 7, 2011

365 Project: Week 5

It was such a love/hate week for me this week. I was sick with a daunting cold all week, but in the wake of that God showed his grace to me in many ways through many people, which helped me keep the faith. I even felt good enough by the weekend to get out and take some great shots of the frosty trees AND to enjoy a great time on Sunday evening at my brother, Josh's house enjoying friends, food and an AWESOME football game! Way to go Pack!!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Winter Wonderland Sneak Peek!

This morning, we woke up surrounded by very beautiful and FROSTY trees! So I grabbed my camera and my trusty adventure partner, Bella, and set off to capture some of this winter morning before it all melted away.

Being outside in this quiet white-ness reminded me of our excursion to Bond Falls in the U.P. a few years ago tromping out in -30 degree temps the morning after a blizzard... it was like we were the only people in the world - and everything was so peaceful.
Happy Saturday!