Thursday, October 11, 2012

Avery: 4 Months!

How is my baby 4 months old?!  I'm still convinced that I have the fastest growing child of all time. I'm sure no mother has ever said that... ;)

Avery had his 4 month well-baby checkup the other day and is doing awesome. He weighs in at
16 lbs 14 oz
(in the 85th percentile)  and is
26.5 inches long
, (in the 97th percentile!) Surprise, surprise... I know :)

He's developing a strong personality and is oh-so-sweet. He's so content and so alert, taking in everything around him. He's become more vocal this month and gets stronger by the day.

What Avery is up to at 4 Months:
  • He FINALLY has a napping routine/schedule that doesn't include the nap-and-nurse all day in my lap
  • Nighttime is still pretty hit-or-miss. He usually goes down great, but how long he stays sleeping is another story. Some nights he will get up 6-7 times to nurse, other nights only once. He slept better his first weeks of life than he does now... Sleeping is definitely our biggest challenge.
  • He enjoys play sessions on the floor and is so content just hanging out and 'talking' to (and eating) whatever colorful object happens to be nearby.
  • He's much more tolerant of 'tummy time' and reaches for things while on his tummy.
  • He loves to sit up in his high chair at the table with us and play with toys while watching us eat.
  • He prefers to chew on his index and middle fingers
  • He loves to go on neighborhood walks with his BFF, Max :)
  • He can SIT by himself for short periods of time, and will sit supported forever and play. Sometimes he even gets frustrated when we leave him on his back too long
  • He pulls everything into his mouth.
    And then he drools on it.
    So much drool...
  • He blows raspberries :)
  • He can get his feet up in the air and roll onto his side, but stops there
  • He notices Bella and Jasper and watches them intently 

  • He's gotten 'spooked' by a few men he's encountered over the last few weeks. We aren't sure if it's their voices or their facial hair or what - hopefully it's just a phase!

  • He had his first giggle-fest with daddy over the weekend. He's been giving little 'chuckles' for a while now, but this is the first time he's straight-up giggled. I'm so lucky to have gotten it on video (even Grandma Connie got a laugh out of it!)

This past weekend, Grandma Connie and Grandpa Delbert came to visit and hooked Avery up with some Packers gear! He spent LOTS of time playing, talking and reading with Grandma and even warmed up to Grandpa by the end of the weekend :)


  1. Baby giggles are THEEEEEEEEEEEEE BEST!!!! I guess you and me have both of the world's fastest growing babies ;) It's just crazy how fast time goes by... I almost don't even remember what Bennett was like at 4 months old. P.S. I love the Packer gear picture with Gram & Gramps!!! Special times indeed.

    1. Sometimes I'm afraid I won't remember how he is now, so I try to write them down in a notebook... there's just so many little things that he 'outgrows' so fast and I know I'll enjoy looking back and remembering them... like when he gets gets crazy with excitement when we go in to get him up in the morning or how we can hear him fart through the baby monitor :)

  2. Amanda, your baby is seriously so so so so so so cute! I can't wait to get my hands on that little guy!!!!!!! He is precious and getting more and more adorable every day. You must be doing a wonderful job because he looks so happy and healthy and your little family must be having a blast! I can't believe he can sit already?!?!?! And, I bet he has those teeth in no time!!! Don't forget to cut yourself some serious slack because you are doing an amazing job during a time of incredible change. Sleep is tough, believe me. Sometimes even when baby is sleeping it is hard for the mom because your body gets so used to getting up all of the time. But, it will change...this is all temporary and your little guy is growing up so fast and will just become more and more predictable as he gets older :)

    1. Sally, I want you to know that I replay your words of encouragement in my head to help me get through tough times... like when I was struggling with nursing, and now when I'm up at all hours of the night. It's amazing the power these words have. I love you!

  3. This almost....ALMOST....makes me want to have another one ;D There is nothing better in the world than listening to your kids giggle, no matter how old they get!!! He is so precious and I adore reading your updates of him =)

    1. Hmmm... Tyler would be a great big brother :) Just kidding! By the sounds of things, you have your hands full as it is!
